Simply amazing. After researching the historical connections between the occult, secret societies, and Biblical prophecy with intensity for five years, I must say there is hardly a need to study further. Rob Skiba’s Babylon Rising: And The First Shall Be Last weaves together an outstanding tapestry from so many tangled, hidden threads in clear and accessible terms. If you have ever been curious about the spiritual foundations of our current place in history, economics, politics, science, and prophecy, you have found the right book. It will renew your faith in spite of all the evil that it uncovers, which is the highest compliment that can be given.
— Leonard Ulrich
Filmmaker, New World Order: Secret Societies and Biblical Prophecy (Youtube)
Rob Skiba has hit a home run for the LORD and for His Church with Babylon Rising: And The First Shall Be Last. Skiba has masterfully connected a compendium of conspiracy dots from disparate places and across centuries of time, and he’s gathered them into a highly readable prophecy primer, fit for beginning students and seasoned scholars alike. If the world of symbols and signs confuses you, make this your starting place, dear friend. Babylon Rising is a must-read and belongs on every Bible student’s shelf.
— Sharon K. Gilbert
Author/researcher and co-host of PID Radio
Rob Skiba has answered questions historians, theologians and scientists never thought to ask. From the first chapter onward, this book is written as a researchable text designed thoughtfully as a study guide for the intellectual explorer. Be prepared to have your understanding of the ancient world shaken and to be immersed in scriptural and historical facts that until now have been absent from any discussion.
— David K. Randall
Author, The Gatekeeper’s Daughter
Blown Away! The information in Rob Skiba’s book, Babylon Rising: And The First Shall Be Last should be MANDATORY READING for this generation! The insights he provides concerning possible future events are nothing short of prophetic and if true, are of extreme significance and importance to Americans, who very well could be the agents through which those events unfold. He has given me much to think (and pray) about. I am thankful for this great work and I hope he touch millions with it.
— Patrick Dougher
TV talk show host and professional Keynote Speaker
Rob Skiba opens your eyes about Bible prophecy, and America’s association with occult symbolism like few others. I believe God has given him a unique view of our future, revealing some plausible events that very well could play out in these Last Days. With an in-depth look at ancient history, the Bible, current events and Hebrew word meanings, Rob brings a tremendous amount of insight from the Scriptures that could prove to be very relevant in the days ahead. Additionally, and perhaps most importantly, he reveals how the ancient gods —from what we thought was just mythology — are still being worshiped right before our very eyes, and posses the fascinating suggestion that they may be coming back... soon.
— Barry Meyer
Host of End Time Talk Radio
Rob Skiba has done his homework and presents an easy to read scripturally based alternative to the mainstream line of thinking. Babylon Rising is a must own for any Christian looking for a fresh take on Bible prophecy. Very well done.
— Minister Dante Fortson
Author/researcher and host of The Omega Hour Radio
Talk about connecting the dots! Rob Skiba's book Babylon Rising: And The First Shall Be Last condenses thousands of hours of fascinating research into an amazing view of Biblical history that one could never have imagined! This view gives an incredible key to understanding our times, together with a crystallized view into our future. You will never be able to look at the Bible the same way again. As soldiers in the great spiritual warfare that is taking place here on Earth, this book gives you a clear line of sight into the real battle we are fighting, while clearly identifying who it is we are fighting against. Through Rob Skiba, God is unlocking the unhidden secrets of the end times.
— Suhaila Nichol
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